This morning, against my better judgement, I decided to step on the scale. I've really started to put Kimberly Snyder's Beauty Detox into action & I got a badass work out yesterday & thought the results would make my day.
So, I stepped on & it said 125. Hmm, not bad. Not the best, but I cheated a bit this weekend.
Then I stepped off & it said "Error".
Hmm... okay.
So, I stepped back on & it said 128 & that just doesn't seem right.
SO, I stepped back off & stepped back on & it said 73 pounds.
& that's when I threw that bitch in the garbage
So, I stepped on & it said 125. Hmm, not bad. Not the best, but I cheated a bit this weekend.
Then I stepped off & it said "Error".
Hmm... okay.
So, I stepped back on & it said 128 & that just doesn't seem right.
SO, I stepped back off & stepped back on & it said 73 pounds.
& that's when I threw that bitch in the garbage
(note: this was a purely photo-op move as I actually have to bring it down to the dumpster downstairs as it will just take up too much room in our kitchen bin... but the sentiment is the same)
I never know if the scale is going to put in a good, bad or sadness cake mood. Sometimes it triggers a binge- which is suuucky. Sometimes- I'll have a "good" weigh in & then think "oh, I deserve a treat" & end up going overboard.
So, no more. None. NO!
(I mean, I do plan on buying another scale eventually. Preferably with body fat % measurement capabilities, but for the time being.. Imma enjoy not having this asshole tell me how to feel every morning)
So, no more. None. NO!
(I mean, I do plan on buying another scale eventually. Preferably with body fat % measurement capabilities, but for the time being.. Imma enjoy not having this asshole tell me how to feel every morning)
And ya know what?
The title of this post has got an old song in my head that lead me to a-Pinterest-ing & I now have a very serious question:
The title of this post has got an old song in my head that lead me to a-Pinterest-ing & I now have a very serious question:

What the fuck was going on in the 90's?
I don't even.. I don't even know what... I mean, what is that? What is glowing? Are those reflectors? Are they worried about crossing the street at night at the 1999 Billboards awards while wearing all black leather so they were like
"hey, let's throw some mother fuckin' reflectors on that bitch. It'll be dope. Safety is the bomb" (or whatever we were saying in 1999)
I don't even.. I don't even know what... I mean, what is that? What is glowing? Are those reflectors? Are they worried about crossing the street at night at the 1999 Billboards awards while wearing all black leather so they were like
"hey, let's throw some mother fuckin' reflectors on that bitch. It'll be dope. Safety is the bomb" (or whatever we were saying in 1999)
Aaaanyway- here's a quick question: do you ever have the super strong since that you are about to just absolutely barf all over the place mid workout? Is that just me? Is that a thing with normal people?
Because that was kind of the internal theme of my work out at Beyond last night. I say kind of the internal theme, because I finally made it an external concern.
While doing stomach churning V-ups I asked Chad
"Have you ever had anyone barf while doing this workout?"
He responded with a chuckle that led me to believe he wasn't quite understanding the severity of the situation.
Ya know, it's so much worse the later I get into the day. If only I could always make it to work out at 5:30 am, but sometimes bed is better.
Because that was kind of the internal theme of my work out at Beyond last night. I say kind of the internal theme, because I finally made it an external concern.
While doing stomach churning V-ups I asked Chad
"Have you ever had anyone barf while doing this workout?"
He responded with a chuckle that led me to believe he wasn't quite understanding the severity of the situation.
Ya know, it's so much worse the later I get into the day. If only I could always make it to work out at 5:30 am, but sometimes bed is better.
Here's a picture Chad snapped while I was all unsuspectin' & posted it in the Beyond Fit Facebook member's page. The caption he posted was something along the lines of "Way to push through, Katy", which is funny because this workout was supposed to be in plank position & this is me making my way to standing up because I thought for sure I was about to pass out & die or throw up or both.
The workout was pretty intense-- is what I'm saying. But once I was done I get a high five & big celebratory shout of "you didn't throw up!"
& now I feel like this should be some fitness brand's new logo.
The workout was pretty intense-- is what I'm saying. But once I was done I get a high five & big celebratory shout of "you didn't throw up!"
& now I feel like this should be some fitness brand's new logo.
Alright, everyone! Enjoy your 4th of July, errbody! I'll be spending mine with some British guy- hopefully poolside or doing something outdoorsey. Either way, I'm sure I'll keep you posted!
Bye, bye, bye, y'all!
Bye, bye, bye, y'all!