Cannot stand it.
Can. Not.
And the only thing that even made me notice it is when the one woman goes "I feel healthy" (notice how she totally avoids eye contact with the camera whilst making this claim...).
Out loud- to no one- I said "Bullshit" & set to the internet to look up the ingredients to this product. & as I suspected:
Bullshit called, muthafukas! This is far from a health food & if it makes you feel healthy, bitch get thee to a treadmill.
And it makes me so mad that a huge company can throw the ingredient greek yogurt on something & play it off as a wholesome food.
There is an obesity epidemic people!
Though I will 100% agree that it is the consumer's responsibility to know what they are consuming- my amazement is at no end when I realize what some people believe to be healthy for them due to media outlets such as this damn commercial.
Like, remember the lady that sued Nutella because her kids got fat?
No, Nutella should not have been advertised as a health food when the first ingredient listed it sugar (btw, if you don't, know ingredient are listed on the label starting with the ingredient they use the most).
But then again, the parents should be reading the labels & not feeding their children anything if the first fucking ingredient is sugar.
I mean, just read the goddamn ingredients. For instance, at my job I am always getting junk food from vendors & realtors- that I then hand off to the nearest person that will take them (sometimes I get scratch off lottery tickets & I'd much prefer that, y'all. FYI). Then this conversation happened between me & a junk-bringer (who we'll call Sam. What a fun anonymous name)
Sam: So, I know you're a vegetarian (with a basket full of candy in arm)
Me: Yeah. (shit, please don't ask me why. Editor's note: no vegetarian wants to talk to you about they became a vegetarian. I just tell people I'm allergic now)
Sam: So... are you a vegan?
Me: Nope, just vegetarian.
Sam: OK! So you'eat cookies?
Me: Um.. I mean, unless it's a special occasion or a much needed cheat day, no not--
Sam: So, no junk.
Me: No junk.
Sam: No junk at work.
Me: don't touch the stuff.
Sam: Got it.

"Only 80 calories!" she said- omg-so-super-stoked-like!
What I wanted to say was "ya know, I'm sure a tampon doesn't have many calories either, but would you eat that?"
Of course, that's not what I said.
But seriously, y'all. It's so sad that the average consumer thinks if "fit" or "wholesome" or "real" etc... is on the package that it MUST be healthy.
So, back to the aforementioned healthy-feeling-making cereal. Let's examine the ingredients there.
- The first ingredient is "Whole Grain Flakes". Ok, seems like a legit start. But then come the parenthesis to list the ingredients to the ingredient (bad sign) which second & fourth ingredient are are "sugar" & "corn syrup".
- The Greek yogurt in questions? "Greek Yogurt Powder" is listed & then the parenthesis (never a good sign in ingredients!) it says "heat treated after culturing". WTF does that mean? What it means is that it is heated & then looses all it's probiotics which is like one of the main health benefits of Greek yogurt.
- So, while we're on the subject of benefits of Greek yogurt- let's look at the protein. 5 grams? Seriously? Ya know how many grams of protein are found in a single serving of plain, fat free Greek yogurt? Up to 22g! Duuuude! In fact, let's look at an Oikos plain fat free Greek yogurt label

And yes, yogurt is processed, but no where near as much as like... all the breakfast cereals you see in on the shelves of H.E.B. And there are some delicious healthy recipes including fat free greek yogurt. Here's a few!
Steve often for breakfast has a serving of Greek yogurt, raisins & all natural peanut butter.
I love, love, love to do a packet or two of stevia & all natural peanut butter with a banana. Oh, dude. It's the fucking best.
Also, if I'm having it for breakfast & just want something a little more carby: I'll make some quick oats (only ingredient: oats.), bake some apple (or pear) in the oven for a minute & throw it all in a bowl with some cinamon & Greek yogurt. It's AAAAAWESOME.
Ok,so the moral of the story is: don't believe what's advertised. I know it sounds like a no brainer, but don't let the advertisements tell you what's healthy because they are lying.
Do. your. homework. y'all.