That's right. This morning was leg day! Somehow, I've made it through the day with no discomfort, but I have a feeling that it's going to be hard getting up stairs tomorrow. Here's what I was up to:

First, I did a quick warm up run followed by a minute plank. Then, I started off with this sequence.
I decided that instead of those 20 squats, I'd go ahead & get my 85 squats out of the way as per the 30 day squat challenge. I really wish I would have thought about this as I had a long way to go.
This sequence was great & I can see myself doing it again.
After this was done I ran another couple of minutes & lunged (see what I did there?) right into the next one
I decided that instead of those 20 squats, I'd go ahead & get my 85 squats out of the way as per the 30 day squat challenge. I really wish I would have thought about this as I had a long way to go.
This sequence was great & I can see myself doing it again.
After this was done I ran another couple of minutes & lunged (see what I did there?) right into the next one

Look at these legs in this picture. Damn, who wouldn't be inspired! ---->
Ok, can we talk about wall sits for a minute & how awkward they are at the gym?
Those guys are not easy, but what's even less-easy is finding a wall in the gym that isn't a) covered in mirrors b) covered in equipment c) directly facing people working out.
I managed to find an empty wall right by the spin room. There was a class going on that had just started on my first wall sit (see above), but about 20 seconds into my third wall sit, the class ended so I got to awkwardly lean there (in worlds of hurt by this point) as the class came out- trying my hardest not to accidentally make eye contact with any of the sweaty spinners.
Sooo... just staring at the ceiling. Until it was time to stop & then I got to just stand there awkwardly & let them all go by.
Then ran another lap. Did my stretches & bitch was out of there. This whole sequence was (laps & stretches included) about 45 minutes. I don't trust the watch/heart rate monitor I have to count my calories. I feel it way over shoots it & My Fitness Pal doesn't have a "OMG LEG DAY" activity. So, I booked it as 45 minutes of calisthenics & it was 278 calories & that felt about right.
On a totally unrelated to anything note: WTF is the song "Werewolves of London" about? Seriously. It was on in the car when I went to leave the gym. Let's take a look at some lyrics:
Werewolves clearly love Chinese food, but haven't quite grasped the umbrella?:
"I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand
Walking through the streets of Soho in the rain
He was looking for a place called Lee Ho Fook's
Gonna get a big dish of beef chow mein"
(why? wouldn't he just eat.. people? Is that they eat? Cats? No, that's Alf? I guess they like Chinese...)
Werewolves are sharply suited:
"Better stay away from him
He'll rip your lungs out, Jim
I'd like to meet his tailor"
(Who has tailors anymore? This damn werewolf, that's who)
Werewolves... are ... metrosexual?
"I saw a werewolf drinking a pina colada at Trader Vic's
And his hair was perfect"
(I like to think this werewolf flat ironed his hair)
I'm reading the suggestions on Song Meanings. There are several theories that the werewolves are the gay community, or the people in the up & coming punk scene, but here's the obvious answer- I can't believe I didn't see it before:
General Comment:
It's advice to everyone. Please, people, spay your werewolves.FlagLetmeinon December 18, 2010 Link
Ok, can we talk about wall sits for a minute & how awkward they are at the gym?
Those guys are not easy, but what's even less-easy is finding a wall in the gym that isn't a) covered in mirrors b) covered in equipment c) directly facing people working out.
I managed to find an empty wall right by the spin room. There was a class going on that had just started on my first wall sit (see above), but about 20 seconds into my third wall sit, the class ended so I got to awkwardly lean there (in worlds of hurt by this point) as the class came out- trying my hardest not to accidentally make eye contact with any of the sweaty spinners.
Sooo... just staring at the ceiling. Until it was time to stop & then I got to just stand there awkwardly & let them all go by.
Then ran another lap. Did my stretches & bitch was out of there. This whole sequence was (laps & stretches included) about 45 minutes. I don't trust the watch/heart rate monitor I have to count my calories. I feel it way over shoots it & My Fitness Pal doesn't have a "OMG LEG DAY" activity. So, I booked it as 45 minutes of calisthenics & it was 278 calories & that felt about right.
On a totally unrelated to anything note: WTF is the song "Werewolves of London" about? Seriously. It was on in the car when I went to leave the gym. Let's take a look at some lyrics:
Werewolves clearly love Chinese food, but haven't quite grasped the umbrella?:
"I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand
Walking through the streets of Soho in the rain
He was looking for a place called Lee Ho Fook's
Gonna get a big dish of beef chow mein"
(why? wouldn't he just eat.. people? Is that they eat? Cats? No, that's Alf? I guess they like Chinese...)
Werewolves are sharply suited:
"Better stay away from him
He'll rip your lungs out, Jim
I'd like to meet his tailor"
(Who has tailors anymore? This damn werewolf, that's who)
Werewolves... are ... metrosexual?
"I saw a werewolf drinking a pina colada at Trader Vic's
And his hair was perfect"
(I like to think this werewolf flat ironed his hair)
I'm reading the suggestions on Song Meanings. There are several theories that the werewolves are the gay community, or the people in the up & coming punk scene, but here's the obvious answer- I can't believe I didn't see it before:
General Comment:
It's advice to everyone. Please, people, spay your werewolves.FlagLetmeinon December 18, 2010 Link

Oh, one more thing! It's Teddy's Birthday todaaaaay! (We think. We have no real way of knowing, but we think it's today-ish)