When I was fourteen years old I got my first job at my aunt's coffee shop- which I'm pretty sure is super illegal because I was 14, paid below minnimum wage and under the table BUT- I learned a lot.
1) all your broke ass 14 year old friends are super jealous when you got all dem Washington and Lincholns to flash around
2) the importance of responsibility, blah blah blah blah
Seriously. I love coffee so hard. I like drip coffee black. I like double espressos I loove iced coffee. I like to save the coffee from the day before in the fridge and make protein shakes with it.
1) all your broke ass 14 year old friends are super jealous when you got all dem Washington and Lincholns to flash around
2) the importance of responsibility, blah blah blah blah
Seriously. I love coffee so hard. I like drip coffee black. I like double espressos I loove iced coffee. I like to save the coffee from the day before in the fridge and make protein shakes with it.
Anyway, sometimes at my job I have really, really boring and mundane tasks like stuffing envelopes or sorting mail so to keep my brain from turning to mush and oozing out my ears- I find informative videos on you tube to keep my brain sharp (also,a lot of videos of dogs)
Recently, I've found Brenda from Lean Secrets YouTube channel and can we say girl crush? She's fantastic.
Here's some more links for her
Here's one
Here's another
So, I watched the video below giving ten reasons to give up coffee. So, I'm thinking "Okay, well if this one little habit could be standing in between me and a flat belly, then I can totally give it up. You don't really get addicted to coffee"
Go ahead and watch it now. It's pretty damn convincing.
Recently, I've found Brenda from Lean Secrets YouTube channel and can we say girl crush? She's fantastic.
Here's some more links for her
Here's one
Here's another
So, I watched the video below giving ten reasons to give up coffee. So, I'm thinking "Okay, well if this one little habit could be standing in between me and a flat belly, then I can totally give it up. You don't really get addicted to coffee"
Go ahead and watch it now. It's pretty damn convincing.
So, with a happy face forward I was like "I'm going to do this!" and somehow convinced about four people on Facebook to join me in a 10 day challenge.
Currently on day three and I just want to say UUUUUUUUUUUUUUGHHHHHHHHHHHHUUUUUUUUGHHG!
Currently on day three and I just want to say UUUUUUUUUUUUUUGHHHHHHHHHHHHUUUUUUUUGHHG!

Seriously, these mother fucking headaches are the fucking worst mother fucking thing in the goddamn world (am I drawing it home enough that I really hate these headaches?)
And the most annoying thing about these headaches is that I'm like "well, maybe I can just have like a half of a coffee..." but just like a conservative arguing we're all one gay marriage away from everyone marrying their sisters (POLITICS!)--that's a slippery slope (I may take out the politics later. It's not very tasteful.)
So, for the time being- I am drinking green tea like it's... well, like it's coffee.
..but it's not
...It's just. Not.
And the most annoying thing about these headaches is that I'm like "well, maybe I can just have like a half of a coffee..." but just like a conservative arguing we're all one gay marriage away from everyone marrying their sisters (POLITICS!)--that's a slippery slope (I may take out the politics later. It's not very tasteful.)
So, for the time being- I am drinking green tea like it's... well, like it's coffee.
..but it's not
...It's just. Not.
I can certainly see some changes in my back! I really wish I could see these kind of changes in my belly (lol, you may notice I didn't do a front picture like I said I would today here, but I'm a grown woman and I do what I want) (actually, it's both that 1) that same outfit is dirty and I feel like when comparing you should be in the same clothes and 2) okay, I just really don't feel like it)
So, these are the kinds of results you can expect while doing Insanity, so I'm pretty excited to track the results with Insanity, The Asylum that we start Monday (though the name is a little daunting)
So, these are the kinds of results you can expect while doing Insanity, so I'm pretty excited to track the results with Insanity, The Asylum that we start Monday (though the name is a little daunting)

The mere fact that this picture is an official Beachbody picture makes me nervous.
And Steve is going to do it with me again this time. Maybe I can convince him to do some before and after pictures. Maybe if I get enough pressure from the people in the comment section below
And Steve is going to do it with me again this time. Maybe I can convince him to do some before and after pictures. Maybe if I get enough pressure from the people in the comment section below
There is a brand new program that came out Friday called PiYo. It has been super anticipated for months now and Beachbody surprised us and released it a week early! I've already had one friend purchase it and I cannot wait to see her results.
I'm actually kind of jealous. I kind of wish I was doing this one next, but I wouldn't have gotten it in time to work along side with my Challenge Group that starts Monday and it really means a lot to me to be working hard and starting the same timeline they did. SO! I'll get this next.
60 days of Insanity + 30 Days of Asylum + 60 days of PiYo= sexy, sexy beast.
60 days of Insanity + 30 Days of Asylum + 60 days of PiYo= sexy, sexy beast.

OH! and PiYo is on $20 off for a challenge pack if you want to get in on that shit in June or July.
Quick Rundown of Some other Stuff...
- SPORTS! SPORTS! USA!. The world cup is happening. As of right now, 'Merica is doing better than expected... so... c'mon, y'all! Let's keep slightly exceeding expectations!
- We went to the Master Pancake Theater viewing of "Space Jam". 1) the soundtrack holds up 2) I never noticed that...it's kind of sexist
- Game of Thrones is gone until MARCH. So, ya know. I'll just be here dressing my dog up like a dragon and speaking fake Valyrian until then
- coffee