I skipped a workout yesterday.
I mean, I didn't have a workout scheduled that day. It was Sunday and on the Insanity schedule, that is the rest day, but I usually use it as my run day. I like to run once a week (I use the term "run" very, very loosely), but yesterday my TV was all like,
"say girl. say, girl. how 'bout you just sit yo little self down on that fine ass couch?"
And I was all like
"YOU'RE A GODDAMN GENIUS". (and then did not question my ability to communicate with inanimate objects)
I mean, I didn't have a workout scheduled that day. It was Sunday and on the Insanity schedule, that is the rest day, but I usually use it as my run day. I like to run once a week (I use the term "run" very, very loosely), but yesterday my TV was all like,
"say girl. say, girl. how 'bout you just sit yo little self down on that fine ass couch?"
And I was all like
"YOU'RE A GODDAMN GENIUS". (and then did not question my ability to communicate with inanimate objects)

But, here's the unexpected thing.
My workout this morning.
I kind of murdered it. Like, straight up. I don't get super sore from workouts like I used to (tho, I don't think you ever totally stop getting sore), but today I felt refreshed and was able to take on the moves I have problems with a little better than I did last time which I wasn't expecting.
I might have to give this "rest" thing a second thought..
My workout this morning.
I kind of murdered it. Like, straight up. I don't get super sore from workouts like I used to (tho, I don't think you ever totally stop getting sore), but today I felt refreshed and was able to take on the moves I have problems with a little better than I did last time which I wasn't expecting.
I might have to give this "rest" thing a second thought..
This weekend I did....
Whatcha do this weekend? I got in some shoppin'. I did some good eatin' (and a little clean eating cheatin'), prepped my meals, and relaxed a bit.
So let's talk about the food!
As I mentioned, Austin is a super vegan friendly city to live in. New places with vegan portions of their menus- or exclusively vegan menus- are popping up all the time. I had heard about Unity Kitchen through an Austin vegan message board I like to creep on. So, we gave it a shot and we LOVED it!
So let's talk about the food!
As I mentioned, Austin is a super vegan friendly city to live in. New places with vegan portions of their menus- or exclusively vegan menus- are popping up all the time. I had heard about Unity Kitchen through an Austin vegan message board I like to creep on. So, we gave it a shot and we LOVED it!
I got the taco salad and Steve got the lasagna and they were deeeelicious. Thanks, Leslie!
(Leslie is the owner.)
(I'm not just thanking random people)
(or this Leslie) (RIP)
We also visited Sweet Ritual, which is kind of staple in the vegan community in Austin. Non-vegans like it too because ohmyfuckinggoditsthebestthingever.
Go look at their menu. Go ahead, I'll wait.
Right? Looks fantastic, doesn't it?! I had the peanut buttercup flavor with chocolate sauce, but Steve went H.A.M. with his sundae. I almost went back for seconds, but luckily that voice inside my head who is a rational person was all like
"bitch, you'll barf! You just had a taco salad 20 minutes ago"
Which was solid advice because once we left and the seconds craving was gone, I realized I was totally full and would have been miserable with another serving
But if anyone wants to go back
....gimme a call.
(Leslie is the owner.)
(I'm not just thanking random people)
(or this Leslie) (RIP)
We also visited Sweet Ritual, which is kind of staple in the vegan community in Austin. Non-vegans like it too because ohmyfuckinggoditsthebestthingever.
Go look at their menu. Go ahead, I'll wait.
Right? Looks fantastic, doesn't it?! I had the peanut buttercup flavor with chocolate sauce, but Steve went H.A.M. with his sundae. I almost went back for seconds, but luckily that voice inside my head who is a rational person was all like
"bitch, you'll barf! You just had a taco salad 20 minutes ago"
Which was solid advice because once we left and the seconds craving was gone, I realized I was totally full and would have been miserable with another serving
But if anyone wants to go back
....gimme a call.
bitches love shopping
Yeah, this blog isn't only about what I eat and how I work out. I also like really intellectual shit. Like shopping, celebrity gossip and TV, okay??
Friday, I went to some resale shop up north and it was fine, but kind of boring, but I did find one dress that I freakin' fell in love with on the hanger and was so disapointed when I put it on and it was too big (and let's face it. I am too damn lazy to go get it altered)
Friday, I went to some resale shop up north and it was fine, but kind of boring, but I did find one dress that I freakin' fell in love with on the hanger and was so disapointed when I put it on and it was too big (and let's face it. I am too damn lazy to go get it altered)

Isn't she lovely? I debated for seriously like 10 minutes in the fitting room what to do, but ultimately decided it just didn't fit very well and if it was meant to be we would find each other again. In this life or the next.
I did end up getting the top I'm wearing in the date night picture up above and some earrings for only $14 total. So. Not a total loss.
Then, on Sunday- while not working out, I went to this new resale shop on South Lamar called Uptown Cheapskate. First of all, I love the name. I feel that it speaks to me.
I did end up getting the top I'm wearing in the date night picture up above and some earrings for only $14 total. So. Not a total loss.
Then, on Sunday- while not working out, I went to this new resale shop on South Lamar called Uptown Cheapskate. First of all, I love the name. I feel that it speaks to me.
Secondly, I totally racked out. I had a budget of $45 and I got 2 dresses (Target & Charlotte Russe), one top (Old Navy) and one skirt (Express) for $42... and that's including tax, so yeah. I was pretty pleased with that trip.
But, then something awkward happened because, hi, my name is Katy and of course it did.
I saw that yellow dress!!! The one from above. I saw it at Uptown Cheapskate. I went to examine it to see if it was the exact same thing and maybe in a smaller size. It didn't have a tag in it and looked as if it had some alterations done to it, but it looked my size and I went to try it on
But, then something awkward happened because, hi, my name is Katy and of course it did.
I saw that yellow dress!!! The one from above. I saw it at Uptown Cheapskate. I went to examine it to see if it was the exact same thing and maybe in a smaller size. It didn't have a tag in it and looked as if it had some alterations done to it, but it looked my size and I went to try it on

Y'all. I got fucking stuck in the dress. Yeah. Whoever had done alterations to it must have tried to crappily reinforce the zipper and it tore while I was zipping it up. Then the zipper wouldn't go up. It wouldn't go down. I had the damn thing around my waist and I started to panic and get sweaty because claustrophobia in a fitting room is a thing that happens to the socially awkward. And it's real
The ladies had to freaking cut me out of the dress. Like she had to bring scissors into the dressing room and cut out the zipper and part of the seam so that we could get my sweaty ass out of this beautiful, but cheaply made dress.
I mean, they were super nice about it, but still. Only me. So, I've let the dream of this dress go... for now (until I find it again and it like gives me chicken pox or something)
The ladies had to freaking cut me out of the dress. Like she had to bring scissors into the dressing room and cut out the zipper and part of the seam so that we could get my sweaty ass out of this beautiful, but cheaply made dress.
I mean, they were super nice about it, but still. Only me. So, I've let the dream of this dress go... for now (until I find it again and it like gives me chicken pox or something)

I just wanted to give a shout out to my old college buddy, Rachel for being like my number one fan on the Awkward Burpees Facebook Page. For her awesomeness I sent her one of the prestigious sweatbands that we got at work from some random-ass vendor and I just wanted to take some time to show her some love (and ask you to go like my Facebook page if you haven't already)
I seriously need to come up with a better name for this section
I am hosting- along with my fellow Beachbody Coaches- a challenge group and I am SO DAMN EXCITED.
Basically, what a Challenge Group is is that you- the health minded consumer- purchases one of the many fine Beachbody fitness programs
Then you join our Facebook group- starting the 23rd. There we give you all the support you could possibly need to get through your challenge and it is the BESTEST. We exchange recipes and words of encouragement and do challenges and post funny quotes and inspirational message and Oh, boy. I don't care if it sounds cheesy, but I am genuinely excited to hear from our participants and lead them in group challenges. I want to learn what they like, what they hate, what they struggle with and what programs fit which kinds of workout preferences.
Basically, what a Challenge Group is is that you- the health minded consumer- purchases one of the many fine Beachbody fitness programs
Then you join our Facebook group- starting the 23rd. There we give you all the support you could possibly need to get through your challenge and it is the BESTEST. We exchange recipes and words of encouragement and do challenges and post funny quotes and inspirational message and Oh, boy. I don't care if it sounds cheesy, but I am genuinely excited to hear from our participants and lead them in group challenges. I want to learn what they like, what they hate, what they struggle with and what programs fit which kinds of workout preferences.
If you would like to participate with us there is still a week left to order your challenge pack or fitness program (however you roll) so that it makes it in in time for the start of the group. So far I've got:
So... yeah...
It'd be lovely if you joined us!
- My girl Shana doing the 21 Day fix. Shana is a friend from college who is looking for a more structured meal plan system and I just know she is going to kick all the ass with this program because she's a BAMF
- Hilarie, my very best friend from childhood, will be doing T25. Hilarie is basically a Beachbody veteran (she did Insanity while she was pregnant and if that doesn't warrant respect, man I don't know what does) and I'm so excited for the input she may have to first timers. And omg, here's her blog go read it now.
- Katey, who I recently reconnected with, will be doing Insanity and might be jumping on the Shakeology train. Katey is a mother of 4 (FOUR!) and I'm super excited she's getting back into it.
- Maci, my beautiful tropical fish friend (Just like Anne Perkins!) from college who will be doing T25 and I'm sure kicking ass at it!
So... yeah...
It'd be lovely if you joined us!