Have you ever left a fitness class?
Like just straight up walked out?
Rude. Really effing rude, right?
....I did on Thursday.
... and then I saw that teacher at the gym this morning & - just like when I was dodging out of her class- I tried like crazy to avoid eye contact.
So, on Thursday, I got to skip out of work a little early. I decided to check the schedule at my gym to see if there were any new classes that sounded fun & was just damn thrilled at the description of their "Body Jam". Advertising a booty-shaking good time & the promise to "get high on the feeling of dance" (no, not even making that up. Says that on the class description).
Like just straight up walked out?
Rude. Really effing rude, right?
....I did on Thursday.
... and then I saw that teacher at the gym this morning & - just like when I was dodging out of her class- I tried like crazy to avoid eye contact.
So, on Thursday, I got to skip out of work a little early. I decided to check the schedule at my gym to see if there were any new classes that sounded fun & was just damn thrilled at the description of their "Body Jam". Advertising a booty-shaking good time & the promise to "get high on the feeling of dance" (no, not even making that up. Says that on the class description).
I did learn something new: if you're not sure how you're going to feel about a class- don't stand freakin' front & center. Get to the corner. Close to the door. Maybe do the warm up in the doorway. Couldn't hurt.
I could tell pretty early on that this class wasn't for me. The music just wasn't my thing. It felt like .... like "Night at the Roxbury" music
I could tell pretty early on that this class wasn't for me. The music just wasn't my thing. It felt like .... like "Night at the Roxbury" music

As I've mentioned (many times) before, if the music isn't moving me it's really hard for me to get into a cardio class.
As much as I appreciate a good playlist in a yoga or boot camp class- it's not quite as necessary since you have something to focus on besides finding a groove.
But in a dance class, that's kind of the only thing you have to get you into it, ya know?
And now, I'm not saying anything bad about the class or the instructor. There were a lot of ladies that were really fucking into it. I mean, like really. The instructor- Boni, I believe her name is- obviously had a following. There were plenty of women in this class of different ages & fitness levels that knew every step & really felt the groove of heavy bass 90's jams. I just wasn't on the bandwagon.
So, after roughly 20 minutes of trying to get into it- they started to incorporate some mambos.
I just... I just can't do it.
Sometimes if I'm just really into it I can find that groove.
& sometimes if I really want to be into it I'll just do a step ball change move (and look really white, y'all), but this is not a move that comes naturally to me. So, I don't know why- but that was it.
The thought that I'd be enjoying myself so much more on the elliptical wrapped up in the world that is my own finely crafted playlist crept into my head. Visions of Maclemore & Girl Talk & Ke$ha danced through my head.
Yeah- whatever. I said Ke$ha (I hate the damn dollar sign. Why does she WANT to make me be so embarrassed to like working out to her?) I woulda been all like "FUCK YEA!" if Ke$ha ($ugh$) had come on. But... it didn't. & I needed to get home & walk the dog at the end of this hour & just decided, fuck it (eloquent, huh?)
Ya know, this is my time. I need to feel like I got a good workout. It doesn't mean this is a bad class, but I would just be getting more out of it on a solo adventure to the cardio jungle (what I am now calling that area of the gym that has all the ellipticals & treadmills).
As much as I appreciate a good playlist in a yoga or boot camp class- it's not quite as necessary since you have something to focus on besides finding a groove.
But in a dance class, that's kind of the only thing you have to get you into it, ya know?
And now, I'm not saying anything bad about the class or the instructor. There were a lot of ladies that were really fucking into it. I mean, like really. The instructor- Boni, I believe her name is- obviously had a following. There were plenty of women in this class of different ages & fitness levels that knew every step & really felt the groove of heavy bass 90's jams. I just wasn't on the bandwagon.
So, after roughly 20 minutes of trying to get into it- they started to incorporate some mambos.
I just... I just can't do it.
Sometimes if I'm just really into it I can find that groove.
& sometimes if I really want to be into it I'll just do a step ball change move (and look really white, y'all), but this is not a move that comes naturally to me. So, I don't know why- but that was it.
The thought that I'd be enjoying myself so much more on the elliptical wrapped up in the world that is my own finely crafted playlist crept into my head. Visions of Maclemore & Girl Talk & Ke$ha danced through my head.
Yeah- whatever. I said Ke$ha (I hate the damn dollar sign. Why does she WANT to make me be so embarrassed to like working out to her?) I woulda been all like "FUCK YEA!" if Ke$ha ($ugh$) had come on. But... it didn't. & I needed to get home & walk the dog at the end of this hour & just decided, fuck it (eloquent, huh?)
Ya know, this is my time. I need to feel like I got a good workout. It doesn't mean this is a bad class, but I would just be getting more out of it on a solo adventure to the cardio jungle (what I am now calling that area of the gym that has all the ellipticals & treadmills).
So, I just kind of took a few steps to the back of the class by my keys & water bottle. Took a few sips of my water.
I looked up & yeah, she was looking right at me.
how do I do this? How do I do this? Why... why did I get in the middle of the goddamn dance floor? Damnit, Hearne. Just. Just go. Head down. Eyes to the floor. Just go.
And that's what I did.
And then this morning. This morning I was really feeling the circuits I had created. And it was one of those days where I was so bummed I had to go get ready for work because I totally could have stayed at the gym for way longer than the hour I got.
And there she was. Boni. & I know she saw- & recognized me.
So, I just looked at my shoes. Feeling like a total bitchface.
The thing is- the strength training exercises her & her friend were doing looked really challenging & cool & part of me wanted to go be like "hey! Sorry, I hated your body jam class, but can I do this stuff with you? Also, 'body jam'. What a cheesy ass name, amirite?"
But, of course I didn't. So, what do you think? Should I have stuck with the class out of courtesy or is my time my time? Am I officially on someone else's time once that horrible music starts playing?
I'm a nice person. I swear(ish. I swear-ish)!
I looked up & yeah, she was looking right at me.
how do I do this? How do I do this? Why... why did I get in the middle of the goddamn dance floor? Damnit, Hearne. Just. Just go. Head down. Eyes to the floor. Just go.
And that's what I did.
And then this morning. This morning I was really feeling the circuits I had created. And it was one of those days where I was so bummed I had to go get ready for work because I totally could have stayed at the gym for way longer than the hour I got.
And there she was. Boni. & I know she saw- & recognized me.
So, I just looked at my shoes. Feeling like a total bitchface.
The thing is- the strength training exercises her & her friend were doing looked really challenging & cool & part of me wanted to go be like "hey! Sorry, I hated your body jam class, but can I do this stuff with you? Also, 'body jam'. What a cheesy ass name, amirite?"
But, of course I didn't. So, what do you think? Should I have stuck with the class out of courtesy or is my time my time? Am I officially on someone else's time once that horrible music starts playing?
I'm a nice person. I swear(ish. I swear-ish)!