And if you did not notice & you are a first time visitor, Hi! I'm Katy & I didn't weigh in on Friday.
In my ongoing crusade for body positivity (a concept that, sadly, just dawned on me like last week) stepping on a scale after the previous week did not seem like something nice to do to myself.
While I am still maintaining my goals, still striving for that last goddamn 8 pounds to disappear, I think I need a little more analytical- nicer- approach to it sometimes.
You think- "yes! Step on that damn scale. If you're not at a loss from last week it will be motivation to do better, goddamnit. I will do all the squaaaats"
& sometimes that is the result.
But sometimes the result is "oh. I didn't lose any weight this week. I need some sadness cake"
- white wine
- 2 cupcakes
- ice cream
- red wine
- half of a Nutella doughnut (fuuuuuck)
- Frozen mojitos
- portobello alfredo (also, fuuuuuck. There has to be a healthy-ish version of this. I will find it & I will make the FUCK out of it)
- vodka
- cheesecake.
- I think that's it, but there was a lot of alcohol in there, so I can't be 100% certain
- oh, shit. I just remembered pizza
So, yeah. I've been kind of a food slut this week. Look! There's a cake for that one too!
Last weekend was my sister's bachelorette weekend.
I feel that maybe that doesn't require any additional detail into the indulgence, but it was great. One thing that was great, is that we spent some serious time at the pool & I wasn't self conscious & looking for an escape method the entire time. I was able to have fun. This is huge for me.
All of my sister's friends are really hot. So, for longer than I'd care to admit I have been worried about lounging amongst her & her bikini clad crew, but it was fine. Just having a new outlook on things is SO FUCKING LIBERATING (if I haven't mentioned enough)
It's like, look. I eat healthy most of the time. I exercise plenty. I'm strong & healthy & so if my body doesn't look like someone else's--- it's just not meant to. And I'm doing OK.
Or.. something about grades & community service. IDK, but we're super proud of her. Only like 5 kids out of the entire state receive this honor each year. Luckily, the ceremony was in Austin so I didn't have to travel (score!)
So, they had a luncheon for the families, so it pretty much would have been rude to turn down the delicious meal they provided (tho I did show some will power & split the cheese cake with my brother. 20 year old boys have all the metabolism).

- super long elliptical work out
- average length-ed elliptical work out
- arm day
- Holy hell leg day
- Daaaaaance party with my sister (though someone brought pizza to the club, so that kind of negates all the dancing I got in)
- Strength training at Beyond Fit where I learned: surprise! I have been doing deadlifts pretty damn wrong. So- education!
But now I've got a few weeks with no big events coming up, so head is in the game & that game is healthy eating. I'm looking to try some new recipes & classes in this upcoming week.
Also, here's my new favorite site EVER!
I'll leave you with some Thug Kitchen wisdom: