Come here often?
No? No. You probably don't because I haven't posted in like a year or something.
Damnit, Hearne. Get your head in the GD game.
Anyway. It's been a long time... Shouldn'ta left you.
(without a dope beat to step to)
(step to)
(#aaliyah) (#timbaland)
What I'm trying to say is that I'm back to fill the void that I left when I quit writing and fell off the face of the world.
So, what's new?
Umm.. well;
- I part my hair down the middle now and grew out my bangs. So, that's pretty big news.
- Oh! Kim and Kanye got married and Jay Z and Beyonce did NOT attend. So, that's a pretty huge scandal that is totally relevant to my life and this blog.
- I switched jobs. So, I very rarely now contemplate faking my death, letting my parents collect the life insurance and living out the rest of my life in a gypsy caravan. So, yeah.
But besides that everything's still the same. Living in love with my boyfriend and and my city and my spazzy ass dog who hides in the closet from the dishwasher.
Oh! I know!
So, about three months ago I took my tax refund and made a pretty big commitment. I met, who I like to call, "the other man in my life"
(no one ever laughs at that, but I'm going to keep saying it)

I am halfway through my second round of the Insanity program and Y'ALL IT IS ADDICTING*.
Now, I wouldn't say that my experience has been like those on the infomercials or on the website, but I have some small things I've noticed. A muscle I didn't use to have here, a pop of muscle there, and a lot more strength and endurance with every other work out I might take on.
*okay, when I say it's addicting, I mean if you like having your ass handed to you by a work out. I am- for all intensive purposes***- dead by the end of the workout
***I know, guys
And that's okay. It's okay that I've had a different experience than other people. Dude, seriously. Don't compare yourself to other people. Bodies are different. We work... differently! And that's okay! One of the worst things you can do for your mental state while training is constantly comparing yourself to other people.
I think. That's what I think. Then again I am not a psychiatrist nor a naturally competitive person (except with ping pong for whatever reason), so WTF do I know? That's just what I believe.
ANYWAY- the Insanity pack says you should track your progress with pictures and measurements and never the scale, but I just really wasn't at a place where I felt much like tracking. Just doing. Which- again- is fine! Until one day....
I am so proud of myself! I've always been insecure about my back (I realize that sounds weird) And then I decided I did want to start tracking some. So, here are some pictures from last week. I'll post again at the end of month 2 (which I started yesterday)
Wanna buy some BeachBody Stuff?
OMG Y'ALL THIS BLOG HAS A FACEBOOK NOW GO LIKE IT IMMEDIATELY (My goal was to have 50 likes by Friday. I've already got 43. 7 of you just go click "like" okayplease?)